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Welcome to Mrs. Fouard's Second Grade


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Mrs. Emily Fouard

2nd Grade

While I am not new to teaching, I am beginning my first year at Ell-Saline for the 2024-2025 school year.  I have been in education for 16 years and have taught K-8 special education, kindergarten resource teacher, first grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade ELA.  My "dream grade" has always been 2nd grade ever since I was a 2nd grader myself! I contribute a lot of that to the fantastic teacher I had that year and I learned early on the power of a teacher. I strive to leave that mark on my students as well. I am looking forward to a year of making connections, incorporating social/emotional strategies, learning growth, and fun!  If I can be of help to your child or your family, please reach out.  


Do all the good you can,

By all the means you can,

In all the ways you can,

In all the places you can,

At all the times you can,

To all the people you can, 

As long as you ever can.

-John Wesley




Phone: 785-827-8891 Email: efouard@ellsaline.org Ell-Saline Elementary