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Ell-Saline USD 307


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Ell-Saline Cardinal Foundation for Educational Excellence


USD 307 Ell-Saline Schools provide an exceptional educational experience to the children of western Saline County and eastern Ellsworth County.  Our district offers a special learning experience to our children in the form of lower student-to-teacher ratios which allows for more personal instruction, a benefit of a smaller district.  The Cardinal Foundation's goal is to build on our small school advantages and enhance the quality of education provided.

A contribution to the Cardinal Foundation is one of the most rewarding gifts you can make.  Your gift will support:

  • Technology advancement.
  • Facilities development
  • School site beautification
  • Classroom grants
  • Student emergency aid
  • Enrichment activities and programs
  • Other areas designated by the donor

Because the Cardinal Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, gifts from individuals and businesses generate tax benefits.  Donors may qualify for federal and state income tax charitable deductions and/or credits as well as estate tax benefits.  A carefully planned gift can be an advantageous tax and estate planning tool.

In addition to cash donations (one-time, monthly or yearly gifts), other contribution opportunities are available.  Gifts of long-term appreciated property, real estate or securities, often generate significant tax benefits.

Gifts to the Foundation in a will or living trust establish a lasting memorial and may qualify for estate tax charitable deductions.

For more information, contact a member of the Board of Directors, or Mr. Brian Rowley, Superintendent of USD 307 Ell-Saline Schools, at 412 E. Anderson, PO Box 157, Brookville, KS  67425-0157.  You can also email the Foundation at cardinalfoundation@ellsaline.org