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Ell-Saline USD 307


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Section J - Students

JA - Goals and Objectives

JB - Attendance Records

JBC - Enrollment

JBCA - Homeless Students

JBCB - Foster Care Students

JBCC- Non-Resident Enrollment

JBD - Absences and Excuses

JBE - Truancy

JBH - Release of a Student During the School Day

JCAB - Searches of Property

JCABB - Searches of Students

JCAC - Interrogation and Investigations

JCDA - Student Conduct

JCDAA - Tobacco and Free School Grounds for Students

JCDB - Dress Code

JCDBB - Weapons

JCE - Complaints of Discrimination

JCEC - Demonstrations

JDA - Corporal Punishment

JDB - Detention

JDC - Probation

JDD - Suspension and Expulsion Procedures

JDDA - Drug Free Schools

JDDB - Reporting to Law Enforcement

JDDC - Bullying

JF - Academic Achievement

JFB - Promotion and Retention

JFC - Graduation Exercises

JFCA - Early Graduation

JGA - Student Insurance Program

JGC - Health Assessments and Physicals

JGCA - Local Health and Wellness

JGCB - Inoculations

JGCBA - Automated External Defibrillators

JGCC - Communicable Diseases

JGCD - Health Screenings

JGD - Student Pschological Services

JGEC - Sexual Harassment

JGECA - Racial and Disability Harassment: Students

JGFB - Supervision of Students

JGFF - Student Transportation

JGFG - Student Accidents and Health Emergencies

JGFGA - Administration of Emergency Opioid Antagonists

JGFGA - Naloxone Incident Report

JGFGAA - Stock Supply of Emergency Medication

JGFGB - Supervision of Medications

JGFGBA - Student Self-Administration of Medications

JGG - Transportation

JGGA - Use of Surveillance Cameras

JGH - School Food Service Programs

JGHB - Vending Machines and Other Automated Play Machines

JH - Student Activities

JHC - Student Organizations

JHCA - Student Publications

JHCAA - Gang Intimidation

JI - Community Activities

JJ - Employment of Students

JK - Solicitations

JL - Gifts

JM - Contests for Students

JN - Awards

JQ - Exceptional Students

JQA - Temporarily Disabled Students

JQE - Alternative Arrangements for Nontraditional Students

JQI - Adult Students

JQKA - Foreign Exchange Students

JQL - Hearing Procedures for Exceptional Students

JR - Student Records

JRA - Types of Records

JRB - Release of Student Records

JRC - Disposition of Records

JRD - Hearing Request

JS - Student Fees and Charges